We go though our abc flashcards then practice building and sounding out words. This week we worked on "at" words (I took that picture last week! :) ) See if your child can sound out "cat" "mat" "sat" "bat" etc. They are doing great!
Center #2: Worksheet center
The kids do a "review" worksheet that they can complete on their own
Center #3: Dum-dum Reading
I bet you can guess which center the kids love most... dum dum reading of course! During this center the kids get a dum dum sucker and read a book. So simple, but so fun! We do this center every other week. Next week we'll have a "little buddy" reading center where the kids choose a stuffed animal to hold while they read. They love these centers and I love them because I can work one on one with the kids. I see so much progress when we work in centers!